Monday, October 7, 2013

you know?

We suffer from disinheritance. We are bequeathed a world that is fragmented and incomprehensible to the point where we don't know the difference between reality and hallucination. We are driven to insanity, disillusionment, and alienation when we search for the definite, absolute, scientific order behind the illusions that we impose on cultural phenomena.

All culture is mysterious and potentially meaningless: cryptic jacobean theater, anarchism, communication media, capitalism, communism, music, entertainment, drugs, academia--these all show promise for meaning and order, but since it is all so inconceivably complex, we can't help but fear that it is all absurd. By questioning and pursuing meaning, we see the world as potentially meaningless. We become likened to paralysis.

But not to try is to become paralyzed in actuality.